Cedric is a member since Fri May 18 09:53:17 2018 and is the creator of the following object(s):
Gebrek aan diagnosefunctie voor de preventie van hardwarepannes Vulnerabilities
Gebrek aan een filtreersysteem Vulnerabilities
Gebrek aan sensibilisering voor de risico’s van het downloaden van software Vulnerabilities
Verkeerde dimensionering van de middelen (bv.: te veel gebruikers in verhouding tot het aantal mogelijke verbindingen en de bandbreedte) Vulnerabilities
7f9f045f-4f02-11e9-b3ea-0800277f0571 Risks
Asset: Structure of the organisation. Threat: Breach of information system maintainability. Vulnerability: No procedures for system install and configuration
7f9f0d2b-4f02-11e9-b3ea-0800277f0571 Risks
Asset: Structure of the organisation. Threat: Tampering with hardware. Vulnerability: No operational qualification procedures
7f9f055c-4f02-11e9-b3ea-0800277f0571 Risks
Asset: Structure of the organisation. Threat: Software malfunction. Vulnerability: No policy for partitioning user environments to avoid unintentional assignment of rights to modify the system and application
Low awareness of the need to protect confidential documents, leading to a lack of vigilance Vulnerabilities
Unfamiliarity with security measures Vulnerabilities
No awareness and training programme for processes relating to continuity of professional activities Vulnerabilities
displaying 451 - 460 objects in total 5075