Cedric is a member since Fri May 18 09:53:17 2018 and is the creator of the following object(s):
No procedure for testing incoming goods and confirming their compliance with the specifications Vulnerabilities
Personnel categories with higher access privileges Vulnerabilities
Existence of obsolete components in the information processing infrastructure (development in languages no longer used, etc.) Vulnerabilities
No measures for protecting code integrity during the design, installation and operation phases Vulnerabilities
Credulity Vulnerabilities
No means of guaranteeing the authenticity of codes Vulnerabilities
Unavailability caused by third parties (physical aggression, hostage taking, etc.) Vulnerabilities
Unavailability caused by absenteeism Vulnerabilities
Unavailability caused by illness Vulnerabilities
Zone observable from a passage way Vulnerabilities
displaying 101 - 110 objects in total 5075